Statistics & Probability

YouCubed K-12 Data Science: a section of the YouCubed site focused on data science. See Data Talks to promote student talk.

Gapminder: animating data for a changing world.

Dollar Street: see the reality behind the data. Everyday life in hundreds of homes from around the world.

Census At School: NZ teachers' resources organised by curriculum level. Searchable by keyword. Complete the school census so your students experience being part of the data set. Shape activity. Stick figure data cards, Data card activity.

Slow Reveal Graphs: slowing revealing features/info of graphs to promote sense-making of data and graphs. Each example links to a google slide deck to slowly reveal more about each graph (see notes for teacher prompts). NZ slow reveal graphs.

CODAP: Common Online Data Analysis Program. An introduction video and links to activities to support the teaching of data science. Pip’s Experiments with playing cards (Prob).

Flowing Data: explores how we use analysis and visualization to understand data and ourselves.

What’s Going on with this Graph?: graphs, maps and charts from the New York Times, and an invitation to students to discuss them.

Quantifying Probabilistic Expressions: How does your perception of how words translate to probabilities compare to others?

Teaching Statistics is Awesome: Anna Fergusson's awesome blog to support statistics teachers and to share statistics love.

Statistics & Data Science Educator: an online journal set up for teachers. Peer-reviewed lesson plans for teachers at all levels, early childhood to graduate.

Karekare Education: an evolution in mathematics and statistics education, creation of Pip Arnold. Shape activity, Probability activities. Statistics Investigations (NCER publication).

Median developing thinking for Y7-12. Blog of Don Steward.

Marine metre squared. Citizen Scientists wanted! The NZ Marine Studies Centre, at University of Otago, is encouraging everyone to participate in long term monitoring of their marine environment.

Data Education in Schools: Learning with Data. Empowering school learners to succeed in a data driven future (Scotland). A guide for teachers.

The Data Visualization Catalogue: a library of different information visualisation types.